It’s kind of crazy that the year is almost over! It was long but lots of fun things happened. Here are
9 highlights from ’09!
9 highlights from ’09!
1) In January I got bangs..first time since I was a little girl.
2) My best friend Elizabeth visited me in February and we had a fun weekend in Berkeley and SF.

3) Matthew and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary and went to Hawaii in March! It was my first time going and we had such a great time! Although neither of us got tan!

4) I graduated from college in May! While I’m happy to be moving onto the next chapter in my life it still feels a bit strange to be done with it all.

5) In June I celebrated my 22nd birthday. Matthew took me to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

6) I started this blog in August as a way to make the long distance relationship more bearable.
7) A couple months later in October Matthew moved down here! And right down the street!

8) In November some of my short articles were published in the magazine I work for!
9) Tomorrow night Matthew and I will be closing the New Year together! And having our first New Year’s kiss! Last year I was sick in bed! {Actually the past two years I was sick..keeping my fingers crossed I’ll be fine tomorrow!}

3) Matthew and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary and went to Hawaii in March! It was my first time going and we had such a great time! Although neither of us got tan!

4) I graduated from college in May! While I’m happy to be moving onto the next chapter in my life it still feels a bit strange to be done with it all.

5) In June I celebrated my 22nd birthday. Matthew took me to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

6) I started this blog in August as a way to make the long distance relationship more bearable.
7) A couple months later in October Matthew moved down here! And right down the street!

8) In November some of my short articles were published in the magazine I work for!
9) Tomorrow night Matthew and I will be closing the New Year together! And having our first New Year’s kiss! Last year I was sick in bed! {Actually the past two years I was sick..keeping my fingers crossed I’ll be fine tomorrow!}
Have a safe and happy New Years!