A sushi date night on Friday!

pink nails for the first day of Spring!

Grilled Cheese on my Dad’s homemade bread, with celery root slaw and an avocado

Cuddling with Noodles

…while Matthew drills holes into the wall {don’t tell his landlord!}

a morning walk

an afternoon drive {gotta love his teddy bear hair/fur!}

a sneak peek of a project I did in Matthew’s apartment

fresh lettuce from the Farmers’ Market

Greek yogurt with strawberries, honey and mint leaves for dessert!

a pooped out little Noodles!
Things not included above {thank goodness}: updated my resume, mailed back my old iMac, Matthew ordered a coffee table, mounted the TV and a “mantle,” we hardly watched any TV {yay me!}, washed the dreaded “Hand Only” tops and sweaters, picked out some really pretty outfits for my Mom, and hung out with my dear sweet brother!
Matthew’s apartment is finally coming together. He moved down in October so it took long enough, right? I’ll have to share some pictures of the finished look next week.
Sigh back to Monday.
How was your weekend?
P.S. This formspring thing has been surprisingly fun. I’m going to post and share some of my answers later this week. So.. any questions unanswered, I’ll answer! I am incredibly grateful for all my sweet and lovely readers. Your support has really been incredible and I feel like I’m friends with so many of you. I want you all to get to know me better {if you want that is!} So ask away!