This girl really is my favorite! Some of you know the story..besties since we were 7 years old. Had tea parties, played with our American Girl dolls, even went to the fashion show. Have you ever seen Bride Wars? That was us when we were little. We planned our weddings many years ago and we know we’re both getting married in the same church, same season, same colors.. but not same day {and probably not same year although that would be fun!}
After Pauline’s birthday party on Friday I drove down to San Diego with Elizabeth {affectionately referred to as Lizzie by me..although now everyone calls her that}. We saw Valentine’s Day and absolutely loved it! She saw it with her boyfriend the other week and wanted to see it with me because 1) she knew I’d appreciate a cute romantic comedy and 2) it was filmed right where we grew up! It was so crazy to see all these places we drive by all the time. Remember the Hand Car Wash they drove by? And the Bob’s Big Boy? How about Bistro Garden {where Jennifer Garner surprised McCheater} and the Indian restaurant at the end? Yeah all within 5 miles of my house! The movie reminded me of Love Actually except with better endings! Afterwards we had a ridiculously filling sushi lunch/dinner that consisted of four specialty rolls and one hand roll. We can be pigs sometimes!
I love this girl. I really do! I hope she gets into grad school in LA so she can move back to me!
p.s. I {“Miss SoNotTechy”} made a button yesterday. Send me yours..or I’ll hunt you down! xox