Saturday night was Matthew’s work’s holiday party and it was so.much.fun! I was a little worried, though, when it was 6 pm and I still hadn’t figured out my costume, hair or makeup! I did my hair FIVE times and eventually just let it be and hairsprayed the heck out of it. {Getting out the knots has been terrrrrible}. There was this awesome photobooth company that designed this unique 60s set and had a bunch of fitting props. I loved looking at the old LIFE magazine. A big band was there playing all the standards from the 60s and dance instructors taught us how to swing dance. I was probably most excited about the rootbeer floats, though! Matthew and I somehow missed entering the costume contest but I think we would have won!

Mad Man details: suit Zara Man, shirt Hugo Boss, shoes Bruno Magli, tie Gytha Mander, glasses Ray Ban, tie clip vintage from Mad Woman
It was Matthew’s fourth time shaving with a razor! Can you believe that?! My mom told him that it was unheard of for business men in the early 60s to have beards, so he really had no choice! Matthew seriously looks like a different person clean shaven. Close coworkers didn’t even recognize him at first. It was the weirdest thing ever! I think he should do it every once in awhile though 🙂
Make sure to enter the giveaway for the Orient Automatic Watch!