I slept in my hair after the Mad Men party..probably not the best idea because it got so knotted..but the next day I took out the french twist and curled it. It was fun to have a little more height to my hair than normal. Hair is so not my specialty..I wish I knew how to do cooler things with it..or that I had time to do it! So long story short I decided to have some fun with it…

Yesterday was such a nice day! My dad and I had our yearly December lunch and then we went to William Sonoma and looked around at the holiday products and ate some chocolate bark! Then I made my favorite tomato soup recipe which I just realized I never posted. {I will tomorrow, I promise!} Matthew came over and we had soup, salad and had a yummy cheese course. I really think cheese is the best thing ever. There is always a new and amazing one to try. I used to hate the stinky ones and now I loove them, weird right?! Then we watched old episodes of C.S.I. I think I mentioned this on twitter but I am seriously obsessed with this show. I love mysteries and all the cool scientific stuff they do. If I wasn’t such a scardy cat I probably would have considered this for a career. It fascinates me beyond belief!
Make sure to enter the giveaway for the Orient Automatic Watch!