These blue velvet pants are so fun! I love wearing them because they’re so unexpected. From far away they could look like jeans, but up close no siree! They also feel amazing so I’m constantly giving myself little rug burns haha

blouse and sweater Urban Outfitters, pants J. Crew, shoes Jessica Simpson, bracelets Forever 21
I finally scheduled an appointment to get my hair cut! If I tell you how long it’s been, you have to promise not to judge. {Especially those of you who are hair stylists!} It’s been… over 6 months! Not too bad I guess, but still pretty bad. My split ends have become so obvious and my hair doesn’t feel as healthy as it probably should. I felt really good about getting it cut, until yesterday! This always happens to me, and perhaps to some of you too. I think us girls just get protective of our hair and hair change=big change, even if it’s only 2 inches! Am I right or am I right? Unfortunately I’m not going to make any major changes, but I do have big plans for after the wedding!

P.S. I know I’m behind on Wedding Wednesday posts but I took a little break from planning over the holidays!
They’ll be back soon!