Can you believe Christmas is over?! To be honest, I’m a little sad about it. It also makes me especially sad when I see Valentine’s Day decorations out already {ugh.. seriously not necessary!} I love the week in between Christmas and New Years when family and friends are in town. It’s so fun and relaxing.
Here are some pictures from my very food-filled holiday:

Ginger and I went on a Christmas afternoon walk with my mom

butternut squash and apple cider soup made by my brother!
the best salad with butter lettuce, poached pears, blue cheese and candied pecans

my new comfy pjs from J. Crew!


some of my favorite decorations

I hope your holiday was filled with lots of love and laughs!
The winner of the Kakalina Rose Vintage giveaway is…Sam! Congrats!
I have another giveaway scheduled for Wednesday so make sure to check back!