I was really proud of myself this week. My goal was to be more confident and proud of my blog. I started posting on twitter about new blog posts. Yeah, that’s it. So little right? But really a big step for me because it was something I’ve been wanting to do for over a year now and just couldn’t get up the guts. I kept thinking about my real life friends that follow me and how they might judge me or think it was silly. It’s so ridiculous thinking about it, and especially admitting it to all of you, but it was something that was really holding me back. While it’s a little step, it was an important one for me to take. It helped me realize that I need to be more confident in myself. I shouldn’t care what other people think, or what they might say behind my back. Because when it comes down to it, it doesn’t matter. People will always talk, no matter what do. Sometimes, though, the meanest and nastiest voice is the one inside your head. The one that prevents you from being happy or proud, or celebrating your achievements. So I gave a big punch in the stomach to that terrible critic and I think I won!
My goal this week is to be more aware of what I’m eating. I’m going to cut out processed foods and only eat things that are natural and healthy. Most of the time I’m pretty good about this but the last week, especially over the weekend, was absolutely terrible. My stomach has been in pain for over 24 hrs {and I blame Matthew!} I’ll tell you all about it tm.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
photo: the coolest light fixture ever {design sponge}
update: I loved reading all of your comments so much!
I’m so glad I’m not the only blogger who has struggled with this.
Thank you all so much for your kindness and support! It means so much!
Welcome to M Loves M! My name is Mara and I created this lifestyle site in 2009 as a place to share my love of fashion, beauty, food and entertaining. I moved from Southern California to Idaho and love adventuring with my husband Matthew, our two children, and our dog Ginger. We're also pregnant with baby #3, due this autumn! I strive to create a site that’s relatable to women, while also being inspirational. I’m so glad you stopped by!