We couldn’t go to Italy without doing some of the touristy things. One of them included going to the Trevi Fountain and throwing in our three coins. Yes, you’re supposed to do it to find your true love, and even though Matthew and I already have the covered, we did it anyway. Besides when I was little I loved to listen to the song “Three Coins in the Fountain” and I promised Frank Sinatra I would do it one day! So I really had to!
Yeah, we were nerdy tourists haha
In other news: Matthew and I might have found a great apartment yesterday! We put in an application and we’re crossing our fingers. The lady loved us but unfortunately Ginger might be an issue. Why is it so hard to find pet friendly rentals? It’s so frustrating. We’ll see, I guess. Also, it’s my birthday week!!! I’m kind of excited, if you can’t tell 🙂
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!