One thing that’s really fun about being married {besides living with your favorite person in the whole wide world} is being able to raid your husband’s closet. Instead of the boyfriend cardigan, this is the husband cardigan. Serious business, friends. It is the most comfy thing ever and I borrow it all the time. In fact, putting it on the other day, I found my lipstick tube in the pocket! Bet Matthew’s glad he didn’t pull that out in public! Embarrassing! He’s not that into borrowing my stuff. Just a one way street 🙂

dress c/o Dear Creatures, tights Free People, sweater c/o my husband!, heels Dolce Vita, cuff from Matthew, thin bracelet David Yurman c/o the Vogue Influencer Network
I’m finally wearing these booties that I bought last July during Nordie’s Semi-Anniversary Sale. I am seriously so terrible with wearing things right after I get them. I want to keep them special and new for as long as possible, but it’s becoming a problem when I don’t even open the box for 4 months! Do any of you have this issue too?