Matthew and I celebrated New Years with our friends Eden and Zan! We ate sweets, watched the ball drop, threw balloons up in the air and set off poppers! It was the perfect way to ring in the New Year!

the boys being silly!
Beautiful Eden {she’s expecting her first baby in May!!}

Looking towards this year ahead, and reflecting on this past year, it’s impossible to not make some resolutions for myself. As some of you know, last year’s year of little resolutions didn’t work out so well. In my defense, it was a huge year for me and life got a little too busy. Still, I wish it was something I was able to work at harder. So, for 2012, I would like to work on things that I know will improve my quality of life and make me a little happier {and more sane}. Here are a few:
manage my time better
put family time first
read more
take more breaks during the day
make my health a priority
plan fun trips with Matthew
no snoozing!
I’m excited for all that’s ahead this year and I’m going to try to face each day with a clear perspective and a smile!
Did any of you make resolutions for 2012? Feel free to share!