One thing I love about the weekends, besides being able to sleep in and that whole ‘you don’t have to go to work thing,’ is taking Ginger to the dog park. They say a child’s excitement is contagious, and that’s exactly how I feel about Ginger, my puppy child’s, thrill once we round that corner and she knows dog heaven is minutes away. She starts this crazy whimpering that just makes you laugh and you tell her to settle down, thinking she knows what that even means, and she jumps out of the car ready to make some dog and human friends. Matthew and I throw the ball to her {my aim is the worst}, she runs to fetch it as fast as her four legs will carry her, she meets some pals {Jasper is her favorite}, and always comes back to check in with “Mom and “Dad.”
I love this little blueboo of mine!

there’s also a whole lot of butt sniffing that goes on!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!