I was looking at my calendar tonight and realized that today was actually an important day. It marks three years since I started this blog. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long, and yet at the same time I’ve grown up so much over the past three years that it feels like a lot longer. So many exciting things have happened since August 7th 2009 and it’s been amazing to document them here. There are many of you who have been reading since close to the beginning and others who are just tuning in now. I’m so grateful for all of you! Thank you all so much for reading and being a part of my life. Your comments, emails and tweets mean so much to me. You’ve been a constant source of friendship and inspiration and for that I am incredibly grateful. Blogging has opened me up to so many wonderful opportunities and while the job part of it can take a lot of my time it’s so worth it. I blog because I enjoy and love it! I wouldn’t have it any other way {except maybe to have more time to spend on it}. I have some big plans for M Loves M over the next little while, so stick around…it’s going to get fun 🙂
photos from back in 2009