May was a lot of fun, and included some travel! It was a jam packed month but also an exciting one. I’m really looking forward to the month ahead though. June is my favorite month of the year. It might have to do with the fact that it’s my birthday month! Here are some of my highlights from the fifth month of 2013:
- Matthew and I went to Sanibel Island, Florida for a friend’s wedding! Even though the weather wasn’t that great the first few days, we did get to relax a little bit.
- On May 6th, we celebrated 2 years married. Where has the time gone, you guys?!
- I finally tried out the nail wrap trend. Verdict: They could become an obsession!
- Drove down to San Diego with Matthew and our Ginger Bear!
- Planning some design changes (and a possible move this summer!!) so looked through some books for inspiration!
- Celebrated Mother’s Day with my beautiful Mommy!
- Re-read The Great Gatsby after seeing the movie.
- Figured out a trick to perfect kale salads. See recipe here!
- Little Miss Ginger got her first haircut. We wanted a new ‘do for summer. We had to leave her fluffy little face and tail though!
What were your highlights from May 2013?

Photos from my Instagram!