This morning Matthew and I are headed to Big Sur for the weekend. We’ve totally been needing a few days away and the long weekend is the perfect excuse. While Matthew is still trying to take it easy, his Physical Therapist wants him to start working the shoulder muscles a little bit more. We might be able to fit in some hikes, but we’ll definitely be sleeping in and eating some yummy food. I’ve never actually been up to Big Sur which seems crazy considering all the time I’ve spent in the Bay Area and also visiting my brother when he was in school at Santa Cruz. It will be nice to have a first experience there and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. One thing my weekend will definitely include is some online shopping. {I’ve already done a little damage shh}. There are a ridiculous amount of good sales {numbers like 40% off!} so I’ve been taking a peek at some of my wish listed items. Here are some of the sales I know about:
Note: These sales are now over, but check back every week for more of my favorite sale picks!
Are you doing anything fun this weekend? If you’re ever been to Big Sur, recommendations are more than welcome!! I love hearing about other people’s favorite places!

image via Pinterest