As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized more and more the importance of finding good, quality people to surround myself with. Anyone will tell you that life is too short to spend it with people that bring you down. You need to find good friends, and while finding them is one thing, keeping them is a whole other situation. I wish friendships were as easy as those days in high school where you saw each other every day in class, after school at sports practice, and on the weekends for birthday parties and school dances. You didn’t have the stress of a full-time job, a husband and family, plus the challenges brought on by distance. You have to work at your friendships, especially the ones that mean something to you.
I’ve always tried to be a good friend, remembering birthdays and anniversaries, having catch up phone dates, inviting people over, and treating them to coffees and lunches just because. For me, those are the ways that I show my love. I do this without any expectations, because I know they would do the same for me.
Since having Augustine I’ve realized more of my limitations, especially when it comes to keeping in touch with friends. My hands are full {literally!} that I barely have time to wash my face or get a meal in for myself. As much as I love my friends, I haven’t had the time that I used to, to see them or even just to check in. I’ve felt like a bad friend. Not a good feeling, let me tell you.
I was talking to one of my friends the other day, though, and she gave me some good advice. She’s a mom of three, plus has her own business, so she knows how it is. She reminded me that the best thing you can do is be present when you can. Focus on work when you’re working, your kids when you’re home, and your friends and family when you’re with them. Give 100% in those moments. While I might not be able to phone my friends all the time, a text when I can still goes a long way, and being present when I’m with them is even more important.
I know I still have a lot ahead of me when it comes to motherhood and balance, but this talk the other night was a good reminder that I just need to do the best that I can, however I can. I also need to take off the pressure and remove the guilt because it’s not healthy. My friends, because they’re good friends, will understand that my heart is in the right place.
Are there any little things you do to be a good friend? I love the idea of small acts of kindness. It goes to show that you don’t have to do a lot to let someone know you care.
jacket {under $50!} . dress {last worn here} . heels {comes in 10 other colors too!} . cuff . sunglasses . lipstick in Safe Word
In other news, I’m wearing this green suede trench again! Are you sick of it yet? It just looks so good with dresses and jeans, so I’m always working it in. Plus, it’s perfect for our Southern California fall. I paired it with this navy dress {worn last for our Christmas card photos!}, because I love this color combo. Navy and olive always looks so great together! It might be my second favorite fall color combo after navy and burgundy!
Happy Thanksgiving Eve everyone! Gosh, I can hardly believe it’s here! I’m making a pumpkin pie tonight and I hope it turns out. There’s so much pressure on the pumpkin pie right? It’s the grand finale after the turkey feast! Send me all your good baking vibes! {and if you have an amazing crust recipe I’d love that too!}
photos by Jodee Debes