02: Week in Review

January 15, 2023

christy dawn emerson dress - M Loves M @marmar

Happy Sunday friends! The sun came out today after a few rainy days and it was so beautiful. We went on a family walk and I can’t tell you how refreshing it was to feel the sunshine on our faces. Also the fact that we didn’t need our big puffy jackets was amazing. It makes me feel like spring isn’t too far away!


01: week in review

January 8, 2023

living room decor with white brick fireplace - M Loves M @marmar

I loved this first week of January so much! It was a time to rest and reflect, to look forward and to look ahead. I’m starting a new series this year that I hope you’ll love. Here’s my first week in review:


new year reflections

January 3, 2023

new year reflections- M Loves M @marmar

Happy 2023 friends! It’s hard to believe it’s a new year. I still feel like it’s 2021 for some reason. I always love looking ahead to a new year, and while this past one will always be a favorite, I’m excited about what’s coming. Starting the new year with baby Beatrice just brings so much sweetness. I can’t wait to celebrate her many milestones and watch her grow. Augustine can’t wait for his homeschool co-op to meet again, he’s planning on doing jiu-jitsu and Corinna is excited about ballet and starting school in the fall. I have a feeling it will be a year of growth for everyone.

For me, personally, I’m looking forward to making healthy changes in my life that will bring me a sense of balance. January is going to be a bit of a detox month. I really want to give my body what it needs so that means I’ll be taking a break from carbs and sugars. The latter is always a challenge for me but I know I’ll feel a lot better. Feel free to share any healthy recipes with me too! I’ll be sharing what we’re making, and most importantly how everyone liked it. I’m slowly starting to move my body which feels amazing postpartum. I’ve really missed working out. My goal is to strengthen my core and my back, which are always poorly affected after having a baby. When I have a spare 15-20 minutes, I’ve been putting on a YouTube video that’s geared toward postpartum mamas. Yoga and pilates flows are always great too! I try to remind myself how important it is to give my body what it needs and wants, even when it’s hard. Thinking about how thankful I am to have a healthy body that is able to move brings so much extra motivation too. Even a nice long walk a few times a week feels so so good! And you can make it fun with podcasts, or favorite songs from the 00s!

Matthew started the year off sick but I’m looking forward to chatting with him more about our family goals in the next week. We probably won’t be doing much traveling this year so we’ll be doing more local adventures in Idaho. I’m also hoping that we can make monthly date nights a priority. Ideally, I would say weekly, but I don’t think we’re there quite yet. To make sure these dates happen I’m going to book reservations on the second weekend of every month. That way it will be something we know to expect. Otherwise, knowing us, we’ll say it will happen and then forget.

I’m looking forward to picking up some crafts this year, which is where the growth area comes in. Matthew was so sweet to buy me a sewing machine for Christmas and my hope is to start making a few easy projects. I’ve been wanting a set of gingham napkins (like these) so I think I’ll start there once I find the right fabric. Also, I really want to learn how to embroider little pieces for Corinna and Beatrice. The challenge will be finding the time, but again I think time blocking on certain days will help a lot.

I keep going back to the words quality and growth. This year I would love to reconnect through blog posts, sharing more of what’s going on in our life. Unfortunately, as life has gotten busy with now three littles, my time on here has been affected. And yet, I crave this time of writing and connecting with you all. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get back to 5 posts a week. Actually, I know I won’t. But at the very least I’m shooting for a weekly post that will serve as an update regarding what we’re up to (weekly meal plans, outfits I’m wearing, sales I’m shopping, and little tips I’m picking up along the way). I hope I can bring quality to your life through these posts. As always, I’d love any suggestions or requests from you!

Something else I’m looking forward to chatting with you all about is family rhythms that make homemaking easier. Keeping a home while homeschooling isn’t easy, but it’s something I enjoy and take pride in. Setting up family rhythms has helped me get things done, it’s lowered my stress levels, and ultimately it has allowed me to enjoy life at home more. That’s what’s important right?

I’m looking forward to all this next year will bring and I’m thankful for those of you who are here. You truly make it so worth it!


black christy dawn dress - M Loves M @marmar christy dawn dawn dress in night waffle - M Loves M @marmar

dress by Christy Dawn (use code 15Mara for 15% off!