results for jumpsuit

My One Rule for Summer Clothes

June 30, 2020

Here are some ideas for summer style! - M Loves M @marmar

Summer is here, y’all! There’s something about the warmer weather and ocean breezes that just makes me so happy! More than ever now I really want to celebrate and enjoy each season. Spring went by in a flash and I don’t want the same to happen with our summer. I feel like for the past few months I’ve been doing so much online shopping {lots of time inside will do that to a girl!} and I’ve found some of the cutest summer clothes. When deciding what to buy though I realized I kept coming back to one criterion that should be a rule for me no matter the season. But, nevertheless, this is my one rule for summer clothes. You have to let me know if it’s yours too!


One Year Older

June 8, 2020

Here's some adorable jumpsuits for summer! - M Loves M @marmar

Today I’m one year older, and I have to say it’s a very strange time to be celebrating. If you had asked me in March if I was going to have a Quarantine Birthday I wouldn’t have believed you! Luckily things in California are starting to open back up a bit, but it still doesn’t feel quite the same yet. While I won’t be getting together with family and friends, I will be having a laid back day at home with Matthew and the kiddos. Matthew is working a half day and then I think we’re going to go to the beach for a bit and maybe bring a little picnic dinner or something. Otherwise, we might be ordering in sushi! Either way, I’m excited to do something small and special with them. For as crazy as 2020 has been so far {side note: has anyone seen the meme about how each month is like a Level of Jumanji??}, there is a lot that I am so happy about. I feel like I’ve learned a lot this past year and it’s been nice to reflect on some of these changes. Sharing a little bit about that below!


The Print I Bought in Two Styles

May 22, 2020

I'm so obsessed with this pretty Scoop print, I bought the top and the dress version! - M Loves M @marmarI don’t know about you, but I’m guessing if you’re like me, you’ve spent the past few months longing to get outside and enjoy spring and summer weather. It’s been warming up quite a bit so I’m getting all my summer outfits ready. I’ve obviously had a lot of time to plan! Lol! One of the things I’ve been looking for in summer clothing is pieces that have feminine details. I went looking online and found the prettiest print! It’s so gorgeous and I couldn’t resist getting it in dress and top form! Can you blame me?!