I may or may not have worn this outfit twice in the past week {read: definitely did}. I got the purple skirt a while ago but like everything I get I always leave it in the box for a few weeks..I know I’m so weird, right? I just like that special feeling of getting new clothes so I try to make it last longer than normal! My roommate at Berkeley always made fun of me because I would also leave eyeshadows in their boxes even though I’d use them!
Blouse J.Crew//Skirt Blaque Market from Ideeli//Shoes J.Crew//Necklace Urban//Silver Cuff and Silver Ring from Matthew for Christmas//Green Bracelet Banana Republic
While it definitely doesn’t feel like winter in LA, I’m so excited to bring out my winter clothes at the end of the month. Why? Because I’m going to NEW YORK CITY! I booked my flight yesterday and I’m already getting so excited! I had a free flight voucher from Southwest so I only had to pay $10 for the 9/11 security fee. How awesome is that? I don’t even mind that I have layovers on both flights…I’m going to New York! I haven’t been since I was 15 so there’s a lot of fun to be had and plus I’ll be with Matthew!
I’m going to need lots of recommendations on where to eat, where to shop, etc. so please send any tips and advice over my way!