Anthony is my favorite brother! He’s also my only one and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Looking through all my old pictures of him got me a little nostalgic for the good ol’ days of us being little kids and goofing off. I sure miss this guy now that he’s up in Santa Cruz but lucky for us he’s flying down this evening to celebrate!

Halloween ’93 with Dad..Vampire Jasmine and Pirate?

With our “Uncle” Jon in ’93

Birthday ’96

Getting coffee before seeing a band in ’05


Lake Tahoe ’04

I love you brother! You’ve really been the best. I couldn’t have asked for a better brother, best friend, or partner in crime. Thanks for introducing me to new bands, letting me watch all my favorite shows, always being the first to compromise, sharing all our inside jokes, making me laugh, teaching me more about photography, being on my side about the whole we-need-a-dog-asap plan, and just being you. I wouldn’t change a thing {except I do think you need a haircut right now!} juuust kidding love you!
your sister!
P.S. Thank you everyone for all your kind words yesterday. They gave me some much needed encouragement and comfort. You’re all so amazing!