My parents went to the East Coast for a couple weeks so I have the house all to myself! {well and my brother and Ginger}. I’m missing my parents a lot, especially their yummy food! I’ve mentioned it before but my dad is a master cook. He is seriously amazing! He has the Midas Touch but instead of gold it’s just gourmet! While thinking of what to make for dinners I came across photos of some of our summer meals! I’ll warn you by saying they might make you a little hungry…

salad with radiches, cucumber and parmesean and asparagus with a soft boiled egg over miso

grilled summer vegetables with fresh basil and toasted pine nuts

my favorite meal! cold calamari with a garlic aioli and fried squash blossoms topped with sea salt

homemade cheeseboard pizza with zucchini, caramelized onions and goat cheese

sashimi with various toppings over a salt block

soba noodles with green onions and seeweed and salmon & tuna sushi

homemade sushi! {I helped}
So since I’m not that skilled in the kitchen I’m reaching out to all of you.
Any suggestions for some relatively easy dinners?

Any suggestions for some relatively easy dinners?