On Friday night I invited out my bridesmaids for dinner. Of course they didn’t know they were bridesmaids yet {hehe I’m so sneaky}. I organized a night out since everyone was in town for Thanksgiving and I popped the question to them after ordering dinner and before appetizers! I made an individual card for each of them and tucked a magnetized picture frame inside with a picture of the two of us! They said yes!!

We went to Pizzeria Mozza {best.pizza.ever!} and had such a fun time. Remember when Matthew and I went over the summer? And were waiting outside for an hour? Still worth it but this time I got a reservation way in advance. Nothing but the best for these girls 🙂
Elizabeth is my maid of honor! We’ve been friends since we were little girls, we even used to plan a double wedding a la Bride Wars! We had a big planning night on Saturday and were up until 2 am going over ideas. We have so many fun projects planned!
Hanna and I have been best friends since middle school! We played soccer together, made up silly dances, ate lunch together everyday for 4 years in high school, and have had some of the cheapest dinner dates ever! This girl is gold {although she prefers silver!}
Pauline and I met in high school Spanish class. Instead of Mr. Schu we had Fergie, a 70 year old man with the dryest sense of humor. Pauline and I managed to pass while gossiping about boys and predicting the next drama on The O.C.! Sigh I miss those days!
Nora and I have been friends since birth {well, her birth..she’s younger} since our parents were good friends. We grew up together, spending holidays at each others houses, ringing in the new year countless times! We even tried to get Brandy‘s attention one year since she lived across the street! {no luck}
I’m so grateful to have these four amazing friends and I couldn’t be more excited that they’re going to stand up there with me on the most important day of my life!! yay girl power!!