Last night was such a comedy of errors. Poor Matthew has had it up to here {imagine my hands really high} with his terrible commute. He lives 20 miles from work and yet it takes him close to an hour and a half some nights. Last night it took him a little over two hours, the worst drive for him by far! We were supposed to have dinner at 7 and he didn’t even get back until 8. Poor guy. We ordered pizza and it was really good, although slightly burnt {it’s sad they’d allow a subpar pie to pass through on Valentine’s Day of all nights}. After dinner we decided to finish Roman Holiday {we started it on Saturday night} and somehow when we sat down on the couch I elbowed Matthew in the jaw. Major ouch! While it was still a good night, it was just a bit ridiculous. I hope your Valentine’s Day was a little bit more normal than ours.

blouse and clutch Banana Republic, skirt Zara, heels Michael Kors, headband In Honor of Design
So I broke my self-imposed shopping ban. I know, I know, I tried so hard but when I saw this skirt for $10 I had to get it! Especially since that morning I was going to ask my mom if she had a brown pleated skirt. Meant to be? I’d like to think so! I was tempted to get it in the black color also, but I put my foot down. I’m still trying to make more conscientious shopping decisions.
I hope you all have a really great day!