Our First Family Holiday Cards

November 14, 2016


M Loves M Christmas photos

Every year I promise myself I’m going to be on top of things like ordering my Halloween costume early and sending out the family holiday cards at least two weeks before Christmas. Usually I procrastinate until the last minute though. There was one Halloween where we didn’t even have costumes until the 31st, and last year we totally missed sending out cards all together. This year, though, we have a good excuse to be on top of things! It’s Augustine’s first holiday season which makes it especially exciting. The other week we shot some holiday photos and I just got the cards from Shutterfly in the mail today! Can you believe it? I feel like I deserve some mom of the year award because this never happens!

Shooting Holiday Cards

Matthew and Augustine Christmas Photos M Loves M First Holiday Cards family's first christmas shoot

It was so fun taking these holiday photos. It was on a day where it actually felt like fall in LA, which was a huge plus. We even stopped for apple cider on the way back! Augustine was awake and so alert while we were taking the photos. I was thinking we were going to have a sleepy baby on our hands, so we were pleasantly surprised. Of course, the shoot ended in a little hangry meltdown, but don’t all family shoots end in one? I think he’s preparing us for the toddler years to come! There was also a blowout situation but that’s a conversation for another day. Let’s just say it’s a good thing I brought a change of clothes for him!

Merry Christmas Cards from Shutterfly M Loves M Holiday Card Idea

I loved these Merry Christmas & Happy New Year cards from Shutterfly! The calligraphy is so pretty and I love the leaf border. There’s a little spot to add information on the back so we gave some details about Augustine’s birth to friends and family. One of the things I love about Shutterfly is that you can customize the envelopes and the liners. I picked a silver envelope and a navy liner to match the card. We also got return labels because if there’s one thing I hate it’s writing my address fifty times in a row! I have a lot of fun writing friend’s addresses because I get to practice my calligraphy, but return addresses just get old after awhile.

Mara and Augustine- Holiday Season 2016 Our First Family Holiday Photos- M Loves M our first family holiday cards - M Loves M

So now that I have my cards ordered so much in advance, I’m like when should I send them out? After Thanksgiving? Beginning of December? What do you usually do?

And if you haven’t ordered your family holiday cards yet, you have to check out Shutterfly’s holiday selection! It’s so easy to design too. All you do is just plop in your photo and add the text. I was also considering this foil stamped card and this simple, earthy one. Both are so pretty!


photos by Jordan Zobrist

Mara’s dress & shoes

This post is sponsored by Shutterfly. Share and celebrate your family milestone. Shop Shutterfly for personalized holiday cards and gifts that are unique, meaningful and just the way you want.