Today feels a little bittersweet. We’re packing up this house that we’ve made our home for the past 3 1/2 years and moving on. Even though this is the 4th place Matthew and I have lived together, this has been our home for the longest period of time, and it’s also been Augustine’s only home. Reflecting on our move and thinking about how hard change is.
This house is full of so many sweet memories, from finding out I was pregnant, laboring on the couch and in the tub, and bringing home this little baby and having so many “firsts” with him. I’ll always remember the first time we heard Augustine laugh. We were singing that song “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas” over the holidays and he was just cracking up. Gosh to hear that perfect laugh for the first time! Augustine has army crawled all over the kitchen floor, he’s watched the washer and dryer work their magic, and he’s always pointing to limes and nectarines in the fruit bowl that he wants to hold. He said his first word {mama/dada – it’s a split decision over here}, and he pulled up for the first time on our marble coffee table. It makes me sad knowing he most likely won’t remember this house and all that we’ve experienced here. It’s a place that has meant so much to me, and to us as a family.
getting our diaper bag packed and ready to go!
The early days with this little love bug!
So many minutes spent right here. Love Augustine’s nursery!
Besides our memories with Augustine, Matthew and I spent many evenings cooking together {remember that grilled pizza?}, and we spent lot of time decorating it. My favorite little corner is our reading nook {where I am right now}, and Matthew’s is the entryway. We fixed up our master bedroom, planned a gender-neutral nursery, and recently added in some pretty plants outside! We also have loved getting to know our neighbors- from wine nights in the backyard to meeting their newest little baby.
I know our next home will be full of so many more wonderful memories, projects galore, and hopefully new friends, but it still feels sad to say goodbye. I’m really not good with change. Change has always been hard for me. When I was in college I transferred my junior year, which was a little bit of a surprise. I wasn’t planning on transferring, in fact I knew I was going to study abroad the following semester. But I applied to my dream school on the off chance I’d get in, loving their English Department, and knowing it would mean I’d be closer to family. I was incredibly torn- to transfer or not to transfer. In the end, I decided transferring was going to challenge me in ways I might not be otherwise. How happy I am that I made that big decision. I loved my school, the program, being close to family members, and also the fact that it brought me to Matthew.
Whenever change is on the horizon, like it is now, I need to remind myself that it can be for the best. God has his plan for us and I just need to put my faith in him. I also know that if it’s not something that’s working, there are things we can do to make it better. This most likely isn’t our forever home- maybe we’ll move to another state in a few years! Or another country! But more importantly, a house isn’t what makes a home, the people are. Matthew, Augustine, Ginger and I will make our new home together and it will be wonderful no matter what. I can’t wait to start this new chapter of our lives and I also can’t wait to share it with you all! Thanks so much for following along and being the best cheerleaders!