5 Steps that Helped Transition Our Toddler to a New Bed

March 18, 2019


Our new toddler bedroom design! - M Loves M @marmar

A few months ago we undertook the process of transitioning Augustine to a new bed. We were so nervous because he already had trouble sleeping, but the process went so much smoother than we ever imagined! That means if we can do it, you can do it too! Matthew and I discussed what we thought made the transition such a positive experience {of course there were a few rough moments!} so I wanted to share our tips with anyone who might be going through similar experiences with their kids.

FYI: I prepared blog posts and photos before our baby arrived so there would still be fresh posts on the blog while I take some time off with my little girl. That’s why you’ll still see me pregnant or referencing my pregnancy in some upcoming blog posts!

How we transitioned out of a crib! - M Loves M @marmar How to solve toddler sleep issues! - M Loves M @marmar Our crib to bed transition! - M Loves M @marmar

5 Steps that Helped Transition Our Toddler to a New Bed

1. We talked about it for a few months.

This summer, Augustine started climbing out of his crib when he woke up, but we weren’t ready to transition him to a real bed at that time. We bought ourselves a few extra months in the crib by using a crib cover like this one. Since we knew that solution wouldn’t last forever, that gave us time to talk to Augustine a lot about the changes that would be happening. By the time we got his new bed, he was super excited to sleep in it! This was an especially important part of the process for us since we were also moving him to a different bedroom which would be a transition in and of itself.

2. We made the bed a positive experience.

When talking to Augustine about his new bed, we tried to be very positive and excited about it. We explained how getting a bigger bed like Mommy and Daddy would make him a big boy.  He would get his own pillow, some new blankets, and there would be more room for his favorite stuffed animals. He loved that!

3. We read books about the change.

Augustine loves books, so we thought reading him some books on the topic would help him transition easier. And it worked! Reading the books made him even more excited and when the time came to sleep in his new bed, he knew exactly what to expect. There are some great options on Amazon. He really liked both of these books: Big Kid Bed and A Bed of Your Own.

4. We included him in the process. 

We gave him a few options of sheets to choose from, let him help move his books to his new room, and let him pick out little decorations for his new room. We think including him made it feel more like it was his choice to sleep in the new bed instead of something we were forcing on him.

5. We spent more time in his bed.

We knew moving rooms and having him sleep in a new bed was going to be a huge change for him. So we slowly started spending more and more time in his new room {which previously he didn’t go in much}. We’d read stories on his new bed or just hang out and talk on it. We played more in this new room and over time he got really used to going in there. And looked forward to it!  We had a second room to put his bed in {since we didn’t need the nursery for our new baby yet} but if you can put the bed in your child’s room before you take out the crib, I think that can really help.

Augustine has always struggled with sleep, but I wouldn’t say transitioning him to a new bed has made his sleep quality worse. If anything I think it’s gotten a little better! And we’re so relieved that we don’t have to worry about him jumping out of the crib anymore. But if you have any great toddler sleeping tricks, I would LOVE to hear them! We need all the help we can get in the sleep department now that I’m up with our newborn all night!


photos by Priscilla Frey