The Newborn Essentials We Can’t Live Without

April 8, 2019


My newborn baby essentials! - M Loves M @marmar

Now that we’re on baby number two {so surreal!} we’ve been reaching for some of the newborn essentials we loved with Augustine, but also some new ones we’ve discovered recently. I thought I would walk you through all of my favorites in case you have a baby on the way or want to buy a super helpful gift for a new mom!

The essential baby products we can't live without! - M Loves M @marmar The best newborn products! - M Loves M @marmar What to buy for a newborn baby! - M Loves M @marmar

The Newborn Essentials We Can’t Live Without


DockATot Deluxe + Dock

This is a product we didn’t have when Augustine was a baby, but I wish we had! It’s a portable baby lounger that is so easy to move from the bassinet or crib to wherever you need it in the house. Sometimes I’ll set this on our dining room table so I can eat or work next to Corinna while she sleeps.


We used this soft foldable bathtub with Augustine too and we still love it! Very easy to use and it fits in most sinks. Tip: place a warm washcloth on their belly during bathtime to keep them warm, and catch any tinkles!

SwaddleMe Swaddle

I used this with Augustine and even though we are using it again with Corinna {it really works great!} I don’t love that it has loud velcro on it. I just got The Ollie Swaddle after a lot of you recommended it and that one has been a new favorite!

Nuna MIXX 2 Stroller and Bassinet Set

We really like this set and I can’t believe that’s it’s currently on sale at Nordstrom! Such a steal! The 2019 version seems great too and I love the contrasting leather.

Boon Grass Countertop Drying Rack

This drying rack is so easy to use and clean. It makes our lives so much easier because it holds a lot of bottles and pumping parts. Plus it’s nice to have a dedicated drying rack for the baby things.


The Dr. Brown’s Options + Complete Baby Bottle Gift Set works really well. I love that the set includes the tools needed to clean the bottles. Sometimes we use these Comotomo Silicone Bottles that are designed to mimic the process of breastfeeding which we’ve found to be helpful.

Fawn Design Diaper Bag

We have been using this Kate Spade diaper bag which looks almost identical to one of their handbags. This diaper bag was our favorite with Augustine and it still is because I love having my hands free. I love that it looks more like a normal bag than a “diaper bag”. I also like this backpack diaper bag for a nicer looking option.

Moby Classic Wrap Baby Carrier

Both of my babies loved being held in a wrap baby carrier. When Corinna really doesn’t want to sleep without me holding her {which luckily isn’t too often}, I can put her in this wrap which allows her to rest on me, but I can still have some mobility!

Ubbi Steel Odor Locking Diaper Pail

Not a fun topic to talk about, but this diaper pail is definitely important in our house. It works and that is all that matters lol! And the fact that you don’t need to buy expensive inserts or bags is just icing on the cake. We had this one with Augustine and then got a new one for Corinna.

Earth Mama Angel Baby Earth Mama Bottom Balm

We’ve tried a lot of bottom balms and this one is our favorite! I really appreciate that this formula is gentle but effective and made of organic ingredients.

Monica + Andy Blanket

I love these Monica + Andy blankets. We had a palm print one with Augustine and got a flower print for Corinna. They’re a great size, a soft material, and a substantial weight. I really appreciate that they’re made of organic cotton and don’t have icky ingredients like flame-retardant in them. Corinna seems to like them too! Perfect for at home or on the go!


Are there any newborn essentials that any of you new or experienced moms swear by?? I’m so glad I have a community of strong, smart women I can turn to when I need to talk about subjects like this!


P.S. You can shop more of my baby favorites here! I’ve rounded up some great baby gift ideas!

photos by Priscilla Frey