results for gingham

How We’ve Been Keeping Busy + March Monthly Recap

March 31, 2020

family selfie during quarantine 2020 - M Loves M @marmar

Life these past 4 weeks has been a heck of a lot different than we all could have ever imagined. Social distancing, face masks, and a big pantry stock up was probably not what we were envisioning our March (and now April) to be like. While we’ve been getting used to a new normal with all of us at home 24/7, there’s been some highlights that I would be remiss to not mention. March might not have been what we expected but there was lots of good in it too! Sharing how we’ve been keeping busy along with some photos I didn’t get around to sharing on social media.


Summer Travel Styles You Should Always Pack

May 10, 2019

A fun and easy summer travel style guide! - M Loves M

I am itching to travel! I know it’s not realistic with a newborn and a toddler to take a big trip, but this summer we’re hoping to plan some weekend getaways. Ideally, ones we can drive to since flying with babies is not that fun lol! I figured if I built out an ideal travel wardrobe it may help a vacation materialize! Keep reading for my favorite travel styles!


The Cutest Affordable Easter Dresses

April 12, 2019

I love these pretty Easter dresses! - M Loves M @marmar

I can hardly believe it, but Easter is just around the corner! Time has been moving so fast, and especially with a newborn, all my days are just blending together. However I’ve noticed the flowers are starting to bloom and the air is finally feeling a bit warmer, so I think it’s safe to say, its time to start shopping for the affordable Easter dresses!