finding your one of a kind style pt 2

March 5, 2013


Working on this Diet Dr Pepper‘s One of a Kind Style project has really helped me look closer at my own personal style, as well as help me identify what inspires me. One of the things I love so much about blogging is the incredible and inspiring community it fosters. Every blogger has their own unique twist and spin they put on their clothes. Even when multiple girls buy the same dress or top {because it is highly likely!} they still are able to add their own one of a kind touch. I love when I’m shopping online or in stores and I can pick out things I know Blogger A or B would love. It speaks to their wonderful ability to define themselves, which is not always easy to do. Sometimes even when things feel very “me,” I like to surprise myself. I’ll pair a more masculine blazer with a feminine dress, or I’ll choose a color I usually shy away from. It’s fun to switch things up and consistently test or re-create your style. It’s part of what makes getting dressed each morning so much fun!
I love playing with different colors, textures and patterns!
 It’s all in the details!

Diet Dr Pepper‘s One of a Kind Style Sweepstakes is up and running! For the next three weeks you can enter for your chance at thirty stylish prices.  Click here for more information and to find out how to enter!

With delicious one of a
kind taste and zero calories, Diet Dr Pepper is as unique as you are. We know
it’s a long road to get to who we’re meant to be. Along the way, we make
choices, we make mistakes, we get up, and we keep going. And like an amazing
work of art, we become one of a kind. At Dr Pepper, we celebrate all that makes
us an original, from your unique style to adventurous spirit. To check out more
one of a kind stories, watch our films at


Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Diet Dr Pepper via Glam
Media.  The opinions expressed
herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or
positions of Diet Dr Pepper