May 6, 2011
Three Years. How has it been three years?! The time seriously has flown by, and yet so much has happened in the past three years. We’ve lived in 3 apartments and 1 house, got new jobs, promotions, went on countless trips, received more Ginger kisses than we can count, and we’re eaten at our favorite sushi restaurant at least 100 times! Yet, we still remember this day. It was such an important one. After years of dating, May 6th 2011 was the year we professed our love before God, our family and our friends. We made a commitment to love each other for the rest of our lives, despite what time will bring. We promised to continuously work on our marriage, to bring out the best in each other, and to help the other succeed. My love for Matthew had only grown so much stronger. Sure, we’re gone through some difficult days but we’ve done it together. I’ve learned so much about myself and Matthew since getting married. Some things big, and others small, but all have been introspective and influential in some way. I thought I’d put together a funny list of the things Matthew has taught me:
- Matthew said he could have pizza every single night, and he means it. I, on the other hand get sick after having it two days in a row.
- Matthew is Ginger’s favorite, even though I raised her, potty trained her and taught her everything she knows.
- The importance of an arm rest is very high in Matthew’s list of needs. He traded his old car in for the exact same one but with an arm rest. Our couch woes {then and now!} have to do with proper arm placement.
- He can clear the room, literally!
- He’s the first one up and the first one to bed.
- He has amazing style but always satisfies me by asking my opinion. Usually I always go with his first choice!
- We’re homebodies and that’s totally ok!
- How much it means to do little things for the other. Matthew will often ask how he can help me and he genuinely means it. He’s willing to do small things to help ease my workload/peace of mind.
- When he puts his mind to something he’ll do it! Even if it means waking up early every single day to go to the gym.
- Teamwork is a must, especially when it comes to putting a duvet cover on in less than a minute!
Matthew, I love you so incredibly much!! You are my favorite person in the whole wide world and going through life with you is such an honor. I can’t express quite how much you mean to me because there really aren’t enough words. You are the best thing that has ever ever happened to me and I can’t wait for all that we have ahead of us! Happy anniversary!

see more photos from our wedding!