Wellness Challenge No. 11

June 4, 2017


Wellness Challenge No. 11 - M Loves M @marmar

Did any of you send out some sweet notes to friends or family the other week? I have mine all written but I just need to get to the post office for some stamps! Doing little errands like going to the grocery store, or mailing packages, are slightly more challenging to do on my own with the baby so I usually have to wait until the weekends.

This next wellness challenge is one I think some of you techy girls (and boys?) will like! Read on for the Wellness Challenge No. 11:

black outfit with leopard heels - M Loves M @marmar

Wellness Challenge No. 11

Turn off Email Alerts on My Phone

I don’t know about you but I’m constantly getting distracted by emails that come through on my phone. I’ll see them, feel the pressure to respond right away, or get stressed out knowing I need to respond later. Email is a big part of my job, and yet sometimes it can take me away from other more important tasks. Also, I hate when I’m playing with Augustine and get an email alert. It takes me out of our moment together, even though I don’t want it to. That phone is persuasive though. You hear its ding and you just reach for it. We’ve been trained too well!

I’m going to challenge myself to take the email alerts off of my phone this week. My hope is that this will allow me to live in the moment more, and not let emails dictate my day. One of my closest friends Angel, who gives me so much inspiration daily {family, work, faith, and of course oils}, shared with me that she only checks her email twice a day! TWICE A DAY! I think I check mine twice an hour! She gets back to people but doesn’t feel the need to respond right that second. She actually takes it a step further and doesn’t even have her email on her phone. So if she wants to check her email, she has to go to gmail.com and manually log in. A lot of work and not easy, but that’s the point. This allows her to enjoy her day more and be present with her kids. Plus, it sets the precedent with her clients so they don’t think she’s always at their beck and call.

While I’m not at that place yet to remove my email completely from my phone, I am interested in starting small and seeing how removing the push notifications on my phone will go. Who else is with me?


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