14 of My All-Time Favorite Romantic Movies

February 14, 2019


These are the best romantic comedies! - M Loves M @marmar

Matthew and I will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Friday when my mom can come to watch Augustine {this is what I’ll be wearing!}. This will be our last date night for a while since our second baby is arriving so soon! BTW, aren’t these photos a blast from the past! You can find the rest from the original blog post in 2015 here. They are just too perfect not to post for a #TBT Valentine’s Day edition! We’ll be keeping it casual tonight at home and are planning on a movie night. These are some of the romantic movies we’re considering! Help me pick in the comments below!

My favorite romantic movies! - M Loves M @marmar Love this heart wall in Los Angeles! - M Loves M @marmar The best Valentine's Day movies! - M Loves M @marmar

My All-Time Favorite Romantic Movies

  1. 10 Things I Hate About You-This is a timeless classic that has the perfect combination of love and comedy. It will take you back your high school days and is a total teen heart throb film! Probably one of my all-time faves!
  2. The Notebook-This Nicholas Sparks classic is a true emotional rollercoaster but the love in this movie is heartwarming and beautiful! Just make sure you have tissues ready. When Matthew and I watch this, we usually skip through the sad parts!
  3. Pride & Prejudice– Another absolute favorite! I’m such a Jane Austen fan so of course I love Price & PrejudiceA movie that fully captures the complications in a relationship. It is a classic tale of love  that doesn’t ignore all the misunderstandings that come with romance.
  4. Dirty Dancing-A movie that will make you feel young again and wanting to dance! It doesn’t hurt that Patrick Swayze is an amazing dancer…
  5. Love Actually-A beautiful and magical film. With so many intertwining stories, love is demonstrated in all its form. You don’t need to wait until Christmas, it is perfect for Valentine’s day too!
  6. Say Anything– This 80’s romance will take you back in time and brings out the flaws and scary parts of love, as well as the fun parts! If you’re an 80’s film lover, this ones for you!
  7. You’ve Got Mail– Such a classic romantic comedy! I love this movie with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. Anyone else remember that dial-up sound with AOL? This was the first of the online dating movies I think and I love the anonymous relationship that starts between these two in-person rivals!
  8. Cinderella (2015)– I fell in love with this live-action remake of the cartoon classic. Cinderella is such a magical fairytale and I love how it’s brought to life in this version!
  9. Pretty Woman-A great blend comedy and romance, and who can resist the adorable Julia Roberts, playing one of the most lovable characters of all-time!
  10. How to Lose a Guy in 10 days-This light, rom-com without a doubt will make you laugh, and it’s a fun one to throw on with your best friends!
  11. Sweet Home Alabama-Of course, I had to include a Reese Witherspoon movies! Hers are always the cutest! This film is just sweet about two childhood loves reconnecting.
  12. Notting Hill-Notting Hill is a classic romantic comedy for a reason. Julia Roberts + Hugh Grant = pure romance perfection.
  13. A Lot Like Love-What could be cuter than Ashton Kutcher falling in love! This is one of my best friend’s and my favorite movies!! I actually don’t know if Matthew and I have watched it together {but how could that be?!} If not this might be at the top of my list for tonight!
  14. While You Were Sleeping-This one may be better to watch at Christmas time, but I think it still works for Valentine’s Day! The romance is a slow build in this movie, but the ending is soooo worth it.

We haven’t decided which movie we’re going to watch tonight, so I am totally open to any of your recommendations! Let me know below if you think there’s something we have to see. I’d love to know which is one of your all-time favorite romantic movies!


P.S. It’s not too late to indulge and gift yourself something pretty for Valentine’s Day! I’m still so obsessed with this gift guide!

photos by Priscilla Frey