Looking through these photos just makes me realize how quickly time goes by! Didn’t we just take these photos from Augustine’s first trip to the pumpkin patch? I remember so vividly walking in with Augustine in the stroller, he was sleeping and could barely fit into that vest I got him. When he woke up, we took him out of the stroller and showed him the pumpkin patch. Augustine was so little and he couldn’t even hold his head up. Matthew and I went because we were so excited to experience the pumpkin patch with him, even if we knew he was a tad too young to enjoy it. It was our first tradition!
All of a sudden it’s 1 year later and that little baby is now a toddler. Not quite walking but on his way! Augustine looked around, pointed at the scarecrows, beat the pumpkins like they were his drums, and even got to check out some of the goats and lambs in the petting zoo. I love this boy more and more each day and I love making memories with him, and building on our traditions.